Kundalini Awakening Guru
Shaktipat has been an immeasurable blessing in my life, in 2024 I received Deekshadikaria or the authorization to give shaktipat to others with the blessings of my Guruji and lineage. It is my sincere wish that all genuine seekers may have the grace and opportunity to partake on this path and begin the journey back to the infinite.
From a very young age I have been driven by the question " who am I " this question was the catalyst for an unstoppable internal inquiry throughout my childhood and into my teenage years. From a young age I encountered numerous events, loss, death of close family and relations as is the human experience. This reinforced even more that internal struggle to comprehend the nature of self. Who am I, where do we go, what is the true nature of being. Are we limited to the physical body to just appear one day and gone the next. Little did I know at that time this internal struggle that many face was a blessing that would culminate in meeting my Guru and put and end to the search once and for all. In my early 20's I had a profound spiritual experience that shook my understanding of life to the core, everything I believed and thought I understood was turned upside down. This resulted in a frantic search for anything that could explain this experience or shed light on what had happened. . I did not know it at the time but this was necessary for me to prepare me for the real journey the internal journey that would begin with the grace of my Guru.
When I met my Guruji I had exhausted my mind, reaching outward grasping and searching not gaining any direct experience of truth or self. I had exhausted all external searching but without anyone to kindle that sacred internal flame any inner work or meditation I had done had been in vain. When I received Initiation from my Guruji at last the journey had begun, kundalini awakening is a divine Initiation it is the awakening of the divine cosmic energy within. This is experienced directly by the practitioner in sadhan/meditation and is the beginning of the journey back to your true nature beyond all books and philosophy beyond all limitations and conditions of the mind beyond all ideas of right and wrong beyond all self- imposed limited ideas and entanglement of illusions. It is from the grace of Guru and this sacred lineage that put and end to this search and the internal journey unfolds divinely guided by the infinite grace of the Guru tattva. The awakening of kundalini shakti is grace in its purest form. There are many such experiences one undergoes but this is not the format to talk about such things.
The journey is personal and divine in nature and besides this journey is written about directly and available free for all to read about in the book " The Power Unknown to God " written by my Paramaguruji Sreeinivasulu ( Guru of my Guru ). In 2024 I received Deekshadikaria or the authorisation to give shaktipat initiation to others and became a shaktipat Guru with the blessings of my Guruji and lineage. This website and the work I carry out is in service to him and this great lineage of masters this is my seva/service. Shaktipat initiation is free of any cost or any material exchange it is a divine process available to all genuine spiritual seekers of good health and sound mind regardless of race, religion, creed, cast or color it is beyond all such things. May you all be blessed on the journey home to the infinite.
Kundalini Awakening through Shaktipat is the transmission or awakening of spiritual energy. The word "shaktipat" is derived from "Shakti," meaning divine energy or power, and "pat," meaning to bestow or transmit. For the Awakening of Kundalini via Shaktipat, a spiritual teacher or guru initiates the transfer of spiritual energy to a disciple or seeker. Kundalini Awakening through Shaktipat can occur through various means, including physical touch, a look, a word, or even a subtle energetic transmission. The teacher's energy serves as a catalyst, igniting the awakening of the Kundalini, which is considered the dormant spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine. As the Kundalini rises through the subtle energy channels (nadis), it purifies and harmonizes the practitioner's being, leading to states of deep meditation, expanded consciousness, and spiritual realization. The awakening of Kundalini through Shaktipat is often considered a sacred and profound experience, as it is believed to facilitate the direct transmission of spiritual knowledge and power from the teacher to the seeker. It is considered a blessing and an opportunity for the disciple to progress on their spiritual path.
The basis of the Kriyas are the accumulated impressions/Karmas over several births of past lives. The Shakti washes out these impressions by way of Kriyas. Impressions accumulate on the gross physical body, astral body & causal body. There are many forms of kriyas some of the commonly observed Kriyas are: crying, laughing, singing, shouting, jumping, dancing, clapping of hands, falling of the body on the ground, twisting of the body, feeling of heat and cold, lightness or heaviness of the body, feeling of ecstasy, spontaneous occurrence of various postures, pranayam, seeing visions, etc. All forms of Kriyas are auspicious. Even unpleasant kriyas are for the welfare of the Sadhak. All forms of Kriyas are for the purification of the mind, hence one should not try to stop or interfere with them. Many initiates aspire to see that their mind is steady during the early stages.One should not worry about making his mind steady. It will happen with continued sadhan as the shakti clears away the impressions. It beneficial to sit in Sadhan with no expectations and total surrender to your Guru.
Awakening Kundalini under the guidance of a Guru within a recognized lineage offers profound spiritual benefits, as the process is grounded in authentic teachings and supported by the wisdom of centuries of spiritual tradition. The awakened Kundalini energy activates higher states of consciousness, helping the practitioner to experience a deeper sense of connection with the divine and the universe. With the Guru's guidance, the energy rises through the chakras, facilitating emotional and psychological healing, and often leading to a purging of negative patterns, old traumas, and deeply rooted fears. This purification fosters spiritual growth, allowing the individual to align with their higher self and experience increased peace, clarity, and inner stillness. The practitioner’s intuition, insight, and ability to perceive subtle energies also expand, resulting in enhanced wisdom, compassion, and a profound sense of interconnectedness with all beings. Kundalini Awakening is free of any cost or any material exchange it is a divine process available to all genuine spiritual seekers of good health and sound mind regardless of race, religion, creed, cast, or color it is beyond all such things. May you all be blessed on the journey home to the infinite.
If you are interested in taking the inner journey within, feel free to contact me through one of my social media accounts linked below. The awakening is free of charge. Also, please remember that depending on where you live, I might take longer to respond due to time zone differences.